
The things nobody tells you.

Okay, maybe they really did, but you either chose not to listen, or had no clue what they were talking about until YOU experienced it on your own.  

1.  Sometimes you come to the point of complete and utter exhaustion, feel frustrated beyond belief, and wonder if your patience tank has been running on empty for a few hundred miles or so.
And every time this happens, you call on your Savior, pleading with him to give you just a few more miles...just a little more strength...just a little more peace, until the world is alright again.  Then you promise, over and over, to try your very hardest to be the earthly mother your son deserves.  You apologize in advance for knowing you will be asking for His helping hands and forgiveness again very soon.

2.  In the middle of the night, the sound of your baby waking up makes your stomach sink so low you wonder if it's going to get mixed up inside your uterus making it impossible for you to conceive another child.
Until you're in his room, holding him tight, and telling him  "shhh...mommy's right here, I've got you.  The night isn't as dark as it may seem, little love...everything is going to be alright".  Your stomach will replace itself, and the only worry you'll then have is that your body will turn to complete goo because your heart is burning with so much love for your sweet baby.

3.  You always feel like you're earning an "F" in the mommy department.  Sometimes you wonder if you'll be kicked out of the class because your baby deserves an "A+" mommy.  Every single day there will be moments when you sit for a second and realize that you have no clue what you're doing.

I'm still trying to figure out how to fix this one.  Here's what I do know: Scouring the internet for answers will leave you scrambling... like you're holding onto a mini inner tube in the middle of a raging ocean; But listening to your heart will lead you to a lifeboat - with a lifeguard on board.  That lifeguard will always stretch His hand out to yours to pull you to safety...to tell you that you're okay...there is no need to be afraid.

4.  You look at other mothers and they always seem to have everything put together.
But guess what?  Those mothers don't.  They are sailing the same ocean you are.  You are probably seeing them when they're amidst calm seas.  But remember, the tide always gets high - no matter who, no matter where, and no matter what. 

5.  You begin to feel like you're going crazy from lack of sleep.
You are.  You may find yourself trying in desperation for a few minutes to do things like this and wondering why in the world it's not working:

This craziness is also confirmed when your husband walks into the room in the middle of the night singing and pretending he is a superhero (Ironman to be exact).  Also confirmed when he looks at you right in your made-up eyes and asks if you've had time to shower and get ready today.  Just laugh about it.  Love him a little bit more.  He means you no harm. 

6.  Your meals will consist of running to the pantry, grabbing the box of graham crackers and shoving them down your throat as fast as you possibly can (yes...you WILL become a ravenous beast because you have 5 seconds to feed yourself breakfast, lunch, & dinner).
The plus side?  When you snuggle your baby, you completely forget how hungry you are.  Then during story time you don't have to make the sound of the lion - your stomach will do it for you.

7.  You will wonder how after seventeen thousand loads of laundry and dishes you could possibly have any dirty clothes or unclean bottles.
Okay okay, I must admit that I actually love this part of motherhood.  Folding warm, clean baby clothes and putting away clean, cute little bottles?  Come on...you've got to admit there is something majorly sweet about that.

8.  Toward the middle of each day, you begin to crave adult conversation because you think you're going crazy with baby talk, story time, and singing silly songs.
Until you talk with adults.  Then you realize that you desperately miss the happiness and simplicity talking with your baby gives you.  You miss his clear, truthful eyes...you miss his un-denying smile...and you miss his pure little heart. 

9.  You've given up your entire life to raise this little boy.  
And it was the best decision you've ever made.

Said Christopher Robin to Winnie the Pooh,
"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

Thank you for giving my life so much purpose my sweet Cole.  You're my everything!


Kelli K said...


Breanne said...

I love this Kenzie and I relate to ALL of it, especially sleep deprivation making you crazy! In the beginning I freaked out in the middle of the night because I swore Noah had 6 toes, put him in the bathtub with socks on, and picked up and rocked our comforter for 30 seconds before realizing that the crying baby was still in his pack and play next to me. It's always good to know you're not alone in this crazy, awesome, challenging thing called motherhood!

The Cox Crew said...

I Made that necklace!!!!!!!! Haha! Oh and other moms definitely don't have it all figured out, some just fake it really well:)

Circe said...

Aw, that is so cute! You do have it all figured out. You just don't know it yet. ha ha!

Leslee said...

How is it that you can word things so perfectly that I have also felt and thought multiple times through out the last 3 and a half years of being a mommy. Nothing changes.....except they get older.....and the mommy understands a tiny bit quicker. The phases keep changing and the learning continues......but our Heavenly Father is always there.
Thanks Kenzie

Mat and Brooke said...

We are all in this together; this larger-than-life job we call "Motherhood!" I realize more and more as life goes on that, although our experiences and circumstances may be varying, we all feel similar emotions and feelings of both triumph and defeat. But somehow, we press on...day after day...and find more joy in being mothers than we ever would have found any other way. It's all part of God's glorious plan and our purposes both on this Earth and in Heaven.
You are a wonderful mama, Kenzie!!

mere/tay(xoxo) said...

motherhood is a bazillion times harder than anyone is prepared for. simply put???.....it's the only chance we get where we have to be selfless all the time. that's what makes it hard, but that's what makes it so joyful and fulfilling. thanks for sharing. i love this post.