
you will always be my baby

Since the surprising news of baby #2, I have been caught in this conflict;
I have a baby on his way, 
but Cole still feels like my baby.
Which, quite literally, he was. This ball of fire was only 5 months old when we were shocked into a second reality. I remember a conversation with Shane in which I admitted that, to me, Cole was my baby. I felt worried at the thought that his baby-hood would be replaced with his little brother's - that he would get 'jipped' out of my baby love. 

Soon, as this little 5 inch pumpkin began to kick and nudge inside of me, I came to realize that no matter what order children come, each one will always and forever be your baby. That's how you came to know them...that's how your love began. It only grows as they get older, and expands along with their knowledge.

Now that baby Cole is 10 months old, I find myself grateful that I have been able to enjoy everything baby about him - and it seems like before my eyes, this baby that I had 10 months ago is turning into a little boy...

A little boy that will make the perfect big brother,

The perfect playmate,

And a brother that little pumpkin can always count on and look up to.

Yes Cole, you will always be my baby...

but you will also be the best big brother a mom could ever wish for.
I love you...
oh so much.


The Cox Crew said...

Don't forget-
The perfect partner in crime!

Circe said...

You had me with the title. I know what you mean! I was worried that another baby could never be as beautiful as Golda. I remember thinking how sad it would be for the rest of the kids to be "less than." Ha ha. Obviously, each was perfectly perfect, just like Cole. He is so gorgeous!

Kristen said...

I feel like a total creeper because I randomly stumbled upon your blog (but I'm commenting so that makes me not a creeper, right??). I just had to comment because I'm expecting my second baby in December and also found out I was pregnant when my first was 5 months old. It's nice to be able to read about someone in the same boat because I'm not sure the emotions that come with unexpectedly expecting (and so soon) are something anyone can understand unless they've been there.

Anyway, sorry for the novel. Just wanted to stop by and say oh hey, I'm in the same boat and it's nice not to feel so alone =)

Joe and Jocelyn Sigety said...

Beautiful Kenzie! I may have teared up a bit!

Mel said...

You are such a cute mama! All of your boys are lucky to have you! Good luck with #2 :)

Karla said...

Beautiful, Kenzie. Absolutely beautiful. I can hardly wait for that sweet little pumpkin to join our family, and to watch Captain Cole be the best big brother there ever was.
I love you,