
My sweet and smiley 5 month old

You love to be a rollie pollie as you play with toys...

You make getting ready in the mornings an absolute treat, and shopping is just the same!

 Your changing pad still reigns as favorite place to be (it's also Duke's favorite place to be...)

Oh and look at that!  Duke likes to see how cute you are in the bath just like mommy and daddy do!

You're so intelligent...somehow you know that mommy likes to start off Monday mornings at 4:00 am...

But then obediently and sweetly go back to sleep a few hours later.  (so does mommy...)

You LOVE your Aunt Brookie, and she loves you too!

 You also quite enjoy watching anything on a screen...ipad, television, or phones.  We are hoping this one won't last through the teenage years!

 One of your favorite games is to play peekaboo.  You laugh and laugh until you can't laugh any more!

 To our 5 month giggler,
Did you know that you fill our home with sunshine?  From the tippy top of the morning until the light grows dim, you are smiling, giggling, and interested in all of your surroundings.  We love to see you smile at strangers, and you make us laugh when you flip your head side to side and all around to soak in everything you see.  We can tell that you already have a love and zest for life, fun, play, and adventure.  
Sometimes I wonder where I'd be without you, my sweet one.  Some days are long, and some days are tough, but isn't that the point of motherhood and childhood?  There have been times when I have broken down into tears as I stand over your crib, pleading with you to rest...during those times you look at me with your sweet, gentle eyes, and through your own tears, you LAUGH!  
Are you laughing at me?  Do I look funny?  Are you hoping that I will laugh back and tell you that it's time for play?  
I will never know, but what I do know is that you do more for my heart than I ever thought possible.
You are my life, and my laughter...
even on the rainy days.
I love you.


Mat and Brooke said...

You have a beautiful way with words. I can feel all your ups and downs as I read! What a gift. And you will always be grateful you took the time to write these things down. The detailed memories of my babies are fading so fast...and it breaks my heart. I love you, and I love that sweet little Cole. Oh, how I love you so. xoxo

Jacy said...

that Ipad screen thing ... ya ... it'll last RIGHT into those teen years ... better nip that one in the bud ;) He's such a cutie!!!