
Just let it go...let it all go.

Have you ever taken the time to be a kid again? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to practice the activities you were involved in as an adolescent? Have you ever thought about how much you miss it?
Well, I have.
I taught a ballet class tonight in the very studio that always brings back a flood of memories with every smell, every lightswitch, and every beat of music. As the last dancer walked out the door I began my normal nightly routine of closing up the studio...I flipped the lightswitches off, I picked up extra messes, and pulled my keys out to lock up. I stood at the doorway, looking back into that large open space, seeing images of me with my friends working up a sweat, learning, falling, and DANCING together.
Soon I found myself with a few lights back on... I slipped on my ballet shoes, and I DANCED. I know I may have looked ridiculous to anyone who may have seen me, but it didn't matter. During those few minutes I let myself go, I embraced the past. It felt so good to engage myself in something that I love...I still have so much passion over such a challenging sport.
I realized how good it is to just let go.
Just let it all go.
I did...
Now it's your turn!
much love, xoxo


Mat and Brooke said...

That was a really cute post! I'm glad you took the time to do that. I'm sure it was a huge release. :)
...Now...I'm not quite sure what I would do to "let it all go" and engage in an activity of the past; I wasn't ever all THAT good at ANYTHING! I guess if you could round me up a flag and a nice, tall ceiling I could try to master the double or pizza toss again; and maybe get a few new beautiful goose-eggs in the process. :)
No, never mind. Just call me next time you're dancing and I'll come watch you. ;)

Nina said...

That sounds like such a nice moment! Last week was Davis Cup and the Drumlines were warming up right outside of my building. I could see them as I rocked babies. It was nice to think about the significance of that time in my life had. I thought about all the wonderful friends that I made. The stress of school. The crush I had on your cute brother, and how cute it was that his cheeks moved when he hit his drum. I thought about the way my life has played out and how much I have enjoyed the journey.
Thanks for the post. It brought me the same sort of feeling -an appreciation for the way life works.

meleah said...

Kenz, I read this post a couple of days ago and still haven't gotten the image out of my mind of you dancing, dancing your heart out in an empty studio. I love it! That sounds like the coolest thing to be able to do, dance your heart out! What a gift! I love your posts! I feel like it lets me see a side I just never get to see:)

Amy said...

So, that is something I SO admire about you!! You are yourself true and true! I loved your post and have thought hard about it all day. This is something I have a very hard time doing...I think I'm up for the challenge though! Thank you so much. You dance girl!

Angie Williams said...

You're a great writer Kenz! Seriously, your posts make me feel totally in your shoes; I love it!

Unknown said...

i have read this now 3 times and each time it gives me the chills even more. i LOVE it! i feel the same way when i'm running wild through the trees on a hike, climbing over things, or getting a little dirty. there is NOTHING like reverting back to the good ole' days :) you're a beautiful writer kenz! thanks for sharing all you do!