
"Be Not Afraid"

"Be Not Afraid"

For quite awhile my love and faith in my Savior has grown.  I have learned to rely upon him, and asked that I be given the strength to trust in his eternal plan for me.
During my darkest hours, Jesus Christ has touched my heart and helped to ease my ache - no matter what trial I had been suffering.  Those tough moments have allowed me to grow closer to the Savior...to let him into my life to help lift my burden.  
I truly believe that no matter how deep or how dark the pain any of us feel, Jesus Christ is always there to reach his hand out to ours and pull us to safety...to a place of contentment and peace.  How blessed I feel to always have the companionship of the holy spirit, and eternal comfort of my Savior.  I know that he hears my prayers...and I trust in him to guide me...always.
"I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." John 14


Mat and Brooke said...

The most basic and fundamental truths of this beautiful gospel are the most profound. I don't know how people are able to survive the turmoil that we face in today's world without a pure knowlege and faith in the gift of a Savior; who has not only experienced the depths of our pain, but has extended the irreplaceable gift of the atonement to each of us as a means to lighten our heavy load, increase our understanding and faith, and ultimately, to become more like Him.

Thank you for sharing your feelings. I know you have been through some very hard things lately as you have struggled to find answers to the fulfilling of the righteous desires of your heart. I always, ALWAYS carry a prayer in my heart for you...and for Shane. I know my kids think about you often, too. :) I love you!

Rachael said...

Thanks, I needed to read that!

Heather said...

Kenzie~ I just love you! I can't tell you how often I have been struggling with something or just needed a little pick me up and then I read your blog and remember what is most important and feel lifted up. Thank you for being such an incredible example to me and all those around you.

meleah said...

That was beautifully written, thanks for sharing a bit of your testimony! Love you girl!